Plant Hardiness Zones in Canada
The Plant Hardiness Zones in Canada outlines the different zones in Canada where various types of trees, shrubs and flowers will mostly likely survive. It is based on the average climatic conditions of each area. It comes especially handy when farmers and growers alike wonder if a particular plant will survive the coldest winter temperature in their area.
When considering acquiring a new type of tree or shrub for your property, one the most important things to think about is if your plant will be able to tolerate the year-round conditions in your area. Therefore, to ensure your new plant will survive and grow year after year, you will need to make sure the hardiness zones of your area and plant are compatible.
Frost Days for Major Canadian Cities
Location Last Frost Date First Frost Date Typical # of Frost Free Days
St. John’s June 2 October 12 132
Halifax May 6 October 20 167
Montreal May 3 October 7 157
Toronto May 9 October 6 150
Winnipeg May 25 September 22 120
Regina May 21 September 10 112
Calgary May 23 September 15 115
Edmonton May 10 September 16 118
Vancouver March 28 November 5 222
Victoria March 1 December 1 275
The map was developed based on average climate data obtained over years of observation, therefore not reflective of specific microclimates (i.e. soil anomalies, leeward/windward side of a hill, snow accumulation etc) and year-to-year variations. Please only use the map as a guideline and not as a guarantee of survival.